Sunday, May 8, 2016

To My Mom on My First Mother's Day

Something happened to me when I became a mom.   I realized how much it takes physically, mentally, and emotionally to raise a sweet baby.  I realized how much of myself I am devoting to this tiny little person.  I realized how it is everything I wanted and more.  In the midst of it all, I gained an entirely new appreciation for my own mom.

Her strength and determination always fights for what is best for her girls.  She always believes we can do anything we want and will help us get there anyway she can.  Because of her (and my step-dad's) encouragement, I had a masters degree before I was thirty.  I now know this feeling when I look at Mila and know that there is nothing I couldn't or wouldn't do to push her to reach her dreams.

Her devotion shows through the countless memories made: staying up all night to make Jackson "star" sugar cookies only to have a snow day; driving up to college when I had a bad day just to give me a hug; cleaning every square inch of the town home for moving day; drying tears after heartbreaks of all kinds.  She knows the importance of being present.

Her love shines through her eyes and envelopes us in hugs.  Never have I questioned my place in the world because she has always made me feel like I belonged.

Now, Mother's Day has a new meaning, not because I am a mom, but because I finally understand what it takes to be a mom.  I know there will never be anything I will be able to say or do to show her how much she means to me.  But, I will tell her I love her every chance I get.

In all three pictures taken today, she is looking at Mila.  Another reason to love her.

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