I need to learn to be a "B+" teacher.
As I lay here in bed on the Sunday night of Spring Break, the weight of everything I didn't do and need to do is suffocating. Why do I have so much to do? Do all teachers feel this way on Sunday night? Am I expecting too much of myself? Of my students? What is that balance between trying to challenge and grow as learners and feeling like this?
For now, I have no choice but to make compromises. And that's okay. It has to be.
I won't be the best teacher tomorrow - and that's hard to admit. But, my students have taught me more about grace than I ever knew possible. When I am honest with them tomorrow about not being prepared, they will understand. They will cut me the slack I am so unwilling to cut myself. And they will see me as an ordinary person who sometimes struggles, but is persistent. And that's a lesson in itself.
I am reading this on a Wed that I totally winged the teaching of fractions because I just don't have enough time to be prepared for it all. Thanks for reminding me to be persistent. Tomorrow is another day and I did stay after today and have my math lesson planned! I liked the honesty in your writing. It inspires me!