Friday, January 1, 2016

2016: Treasuring Time

The "word" of the year.  Not sure how this started or why, but hey, I'm an English teacher, I love words and themes, so I'll play along.  But, I'm also going to break the rules, as English teachers like to do with language, and use two words.  

At the end of 2014, a new friend asked if we had a word for the year.  I had only heard inklings of it up until that point, and made my own assumptions of what it is suppose to mean.  An idea that will resonate with you.  A motto to pull you through the hard days.  It's not a goal or a resolution to can check off, but a rather a focus for your mind and energy.

The driving force to get us stared in 2015 was the idea of *Moving Forward* -- not to be confused with moving on.  We very much did not want to forget about the losses we endured in 2014 as they will always be apart of us.  We wanted - and needed - to find strength to continue on honoring those memories.  We did, and still do.  

Now, in 2016, my focus will be on *Treasuring Time.*  Just in these few shorts weeks with Mila, especially as my maternity leave rapidly comes to an end, I've realized just how precious time is and how fast it goes.  Cliche, I know.  Every parent says that, but you won't understand it until you are a parent.  I didn't.

So, in 2016, I will treasure time by...

~ savoring every milestone Mila hits - each one will be flying by this year and we'll never get them back.

~ writing and recording all the memories - whether it is a phrase, a sentence, or a page, writing something will always be better than writing nothing.

~ working efficiently and effectively at school to avoid bringing it home -

~ asking for help if I get anxious - an admitted weakness, where I often fall into the "it's just easier if I do it myself" phase.

~ reading during stolen moments - again, I always have access to a book to read a paragraph or a page.

~ never regretting a lazy day enjoying the snuggles of my daughter and company of my husband - the dishes, laundry and cleaning can wait.

Here's to a treasured 2016!

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