Thursday, October 15, 2020

Mila is FIVE!

I'm in denial.  Even tonight, I look at my sweet baby, and she has grown up right before my eyes into a smart, empathetic, creative little girl.  

No longer a baby.  No longer a toddler.  Now a full-blown kid. A preschooler.  

Our birthday party plans needed to be adjusted when she came home from daycare with a 102.5 fever on Friday night.  But, that couldn't keep Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Rissa, and Uncle Y-yan away.  And we had a cake ordered anyway.  

Just like her parents, the girl will never say no to a party.  She tried hard to entertain all of us even though she wasn't feeling her best.  

Tessa enjoyed her two bites of cake, getting in some practice for December. 

Sunday, I had to trick her into resting.

When she woke up on her actual birthday, I heard her coming down the stairs.  I met her there and wished her a happy birthday and started singing.  She looked confused.  

She said, "But Mom, I'm not all grown up yet" as she pointed down at her legs.  Annoyed.  Mad.  Frustrated.  

This was finally putting into perspective the conversations she had been having with us lately.  The comments like "after my next birthday, I will be a mommy and you will be a grandma.  You'll have to come visit your honeys at my house after I get married."

It took me a while to convince her it actually was October 12th, and she was five years old, even though she wasn't a grown-up.  I had to further explain the five year olds were still kids.  And she will still be a kid at six, seven, eight and for many, many more years.    

Then I told her it was a Grandma day and I had a special breakfast treat for her, and everything was fine.  

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