Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013: The Year of Blessings

It was a year that brought many challenges.  Some that many couples will never face, let alone in the first few months of marriage.  But we took it head on. Together.

However, I'm an optimist; sometimes to a fault. So when I reflect back on 2013, I see all of the great blessings around me.  I don't use the term "blessings" lightly.  To me, it's like a promise. You only say when you really mean it.  But there is no other word to describe our year.

It started with a new ring and a promise on a freezing cold boat in New York City.  An escape for the two of us that I threatened to go without him if he wouldn't take me turned into the most memorable trip.

Followed by the most magical wedding.  Everything came together so perfectly.  Of course, every day has its hiccups, like my dress ripping and Casey's ring having to be reorder and rushed a week before the wedding.  But, I still got to marry my Casey.

Now, I write from our new home.  The moment I walked in, I knew this had to be our house.  It has everything I could have dreamed of.  When I look around, I see our future.  

Yes, I realistically know this next year will bring more challenges we can't even begin to imagine.  That's future Casey and Nikki's problem.  Right now, I'm relishing in all that our year was and looking forward to 2014's blessings.

The happiest new year to you and yours.

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