Friday, January 3, 2014

More & Less, 2014 Edition

Each new year is equated with resolutions.  While I am a huge proponent of taking the time to reflect and improve, the idea of making a set list of resolutions in January never really struck me.

For one, the "real" start of my year is mid-August.  I regain control over a laissez-faire summer by living life under a 42-minute bell again.  This is when structure returns to my life.  Change confronts me every August in so many ways: new courses, new students, new professional opportunities, new lessons, new plans.  What's yet another new goal?

The second time I look to incorporate change is my birthday.  Falling on the first of the month after the dreaded month of November, I'm usually accepting of a new challenge for myself.  I disregard what "28-year old Nikki" did and wonder how "29-year old Nikki" will do it better.  (I'm sure this next year will bring even more reflective thoughts and actions as my age will click over to the next big milestone.)

This year as we sat over dinner on NYE at one of our favorite restaurants, Trostel's Dish, I was careful in how I phrased my question to avoid the word "resolutions."  I asked Casey what he wanted more and less of in 2014.  He then laughed when I said I wanted balance.

So, in my own twist on a resolution, I've devised a More vs Less List of things I want for me in 2014.

More & Less, 2014 Edition

More Me TimeBooks, writing, and running help me keep my sanity.  Because of the events in 2013, this often was overshadowed.  I skipped runs because I had papers to grade.  I read awful student writing instead of the new book collecting dust on my nightstand. I had eight great starts to blog posts I never finished and ended up scratching completely.  Forcing myself to carve out time for me - a date at a coffee shop, a quiet morning before the world awakes - keeps me focused for the rest. 

Less Wasted Energy:  I waste a lot of time and energy thinking about what I'm going to do.  Well, if I wake up now and go to the gym, I'll have 20 minutes on the treadmill, or I could wait until after school and go for 30 minutes on the treadmill, but I could be too tired by then. If I just read five papers tonight, that's five less than I have to do tomorrow, but tomorrow I have plans for dinner so I should read ten papers tonight but that is a lot of papers.  And the never ending cycle continues where I'm the only one getting screwed over. 

(P.S.  This is the same mind torture is excuse for the delay in wedding thank you notes.  They are still coming)

Less Whining:  Very much related to less wasted energy is less whining - now you can see where my energy goes.  Accept what needs to be done, and do it.  An accomplished task always feels better than a daunting one.Note that this does not say NO whining, especially when wine is involved.  And I am a huge proponent of venting.

More Us Time:  It's my favorite time.  He's all I need in the world.  Well, him and a beach.  Many call it a "dance" newlyweds do for the first few years of marriage as they try to figure out their footing in a relationship.  With all of the outside pressures in our life, I truly value our alone time, whether that is cuddle up on the couch with a movie or sitting at our favorite restaurant for a three hour meal. It's a habit I want to get addicted to.

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